How To Win The Day (EVERY DAY)
Nov 29, 2024If you can win your day, you win the week.
If you can win the week, you can win the month.
If you can win the month, you can win the year.
If you can win the year, you can win your life.
After all, your life is nothing but a collection of days - and so if you win your day, you win your life.
The idea that every day should not be attacked with full effort, passion and drive is a foolish one. It’s an idea that says it’s okay to waste your life.
Sure, for some people that might be okay, they might not care - and I’m not here to judge, your life is your life, you can do whatever you want.
But if you’re reading this, I highly imagine that the idea of wasting a single moment of this one life you have disgusts you.
There’s a fire burning inside of you that needs to be fuelled. There’s a storm that needs to be released. A passion that needs to be realised. A goal that needs to be actualised.
And that requires you to win your damn day, every day.
So how can you do that?
Well, I’ll tell you how in just a second, but first, you need to understand the concept of momentum.
This is essentially where if something is going in a certain direction, it’s easier for it to keep going in that direction.
With momentum, there are 2 types - acute and chronic.
Chronic is the long term, but to get chronic momentum, you first need acute momentum.
But here’s the problem…
Momentum can be for you or against you. It can make it harder or easier to move forward.
Of course, we want it to work for you.
To do that we need to build acute positive momentum.
To do that we need to look at your day.
Your day starts in the morning and ends in the evening - I know, I know, revolutionary stuff here haha - but with this, it makes logical sense that to build acute momentum, momentum in the short run, momentum in your day, you must start in the morning.
And to ensure the momentum is working for you, you need that momentum to be positive.
Hence, we need our mornings to be positive.
To win your life, you must win your days. To win your days, you must win your mornings.
Now of course this creates the question of how do you do that?
Well, there a tonne of ways but none better than doing your most important task first.
Sure, you could do a tonne of different morning routines - and there’s some merit to them - but there is no better way to build positive momentum than starting your day with a huge win, by doing the 1 thing that even if that was all you got done today you’d be satisfied.
By doing your most important task first everything else you have to do is easier.
You’re more likely to go and do another hard task, keeping the momentum going and stacking wins to the point where you win your day and in turn, you have momentum for tomorrow (this is acute momentum starting to become chronic) and you win tomorrow.
So let’s make this tactical. Here’s what I’d recommend you do;
- List out every task you have to do tomorrow
- Order them in priority, writing down your most important task first.
- Schedule these tasks in that order, starting with your most important task first
Watch how good you feel all day.
Watch how much you get done and how everything is easier as the day goes on.
Watch how you feel less stressed, less pressured and both more useful and fulfilled.
Watch how tomorrow is easier to win and watch how over time, you smash your damn goals and win your life.
— Ross
PS: if you want me to help you optimise and design both your day and mind for peak performance, click here.
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