How To Beat Imposter Syndrome Once And For All
Nov 22, 2024Imposter syndrome.
That feeling that you’re not deserving of where you are, what you’ve achieved or who you've become.
It’s something every ambitious person either deals with or has dealt with in the past.
And it can cripple you.
It can create an overwhelming sense of doubt, it can cause you to self-sabotage and hold you back from going further, it can destroy your performance and even cause you to regress to a more “comfortable” position.
But here’s the thing, you can beat it - and you can do so using only 2 strategies.
- Know Your Path
A large reason you experience imposter syndrome is because you don’t know how you got to where you are.
You’re just there.
Sure, you did certain things and decided certain things but you don’t know what got you to where you are.
You’re not clear on the exact steps you took, decisions you made or strategies you followed that actually worked.
And so, because you don’t know how you got to where you are, you can’t justify being there and in turn, you feel like you don’t belong there.
This is exactly where one of my clients was a few weeks back when we started working together, but within 4 weeks their imposter syndrome was gone.
Well, we started tracking data.
When you don’t have data you don’t know how you got to where you are, you’re guessing. It might be a good guess, but it’s still a damn guess.
When you have data you can look and see what decisions, actions, methods, changes, adjustments and strategies made what impact.
Hence, if you start tracking data today, in 1 years time you can look back at your data and see exactly how you got to where you are.
You’ll know how you got there. You’ll be able to justify being there. And your imposter syndrome? It’ll vanish.
2. The Shift
Inside your mind there are 2 selves.
There’s the old you that wants things to stay how they are and for nothing to change.
And then there’s the new you, the person you could be, the person you’re becoming, the version of you that wants change and creates progress.
Now these 2 versions of you don’t co-exist happily.
The old you doesn’t want the new you to take over - as for the new you to grow, the old you must wither away and die.
In an effort to prevent this change the old you creates resistance toward the work that will grow your new self - this is a large reason for procrastination.
But let’s say you work on your goal and making progress and mastering yourself for a year, well then, the new you will have grown and the old you will have withered away.
However, they might not have disappeared completely, despite your reality being in a position that no longer aligns with that old lesser version of you.
And so you feel like an imposter simply because the old you is still alive and is doing all it can to bring you back down to where it feels comfortable, to the way things used to be.
It creates imposter syndrome.
But if you stick to the process, make progress your number 1 aim, continue to master your self and track data, eventually you will shift and the old you will be eliminated - the only issue is that this takes time.
Imposter syndrome can be beat.
But only if you track data to see how you got to where you are and give yourself time to fully shift into the person you need to be.
— Ross
PS: If you want me to help you become who you need to be so that you can focus, perform and operate at your peak, ā€‹click hereā€‹.
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