The 5 most POWERFUL habits you can build:
Oct 27, 2023Before we dive in: A reminder that MasteryOS is open for enrollment.
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I was screaming at myself internally.
It felt as if no matter how hard I worked nothing would go my way.
No progress.
No improvement.
In fact, it felt as if I was going backward.
But here’s where I went wrong;
I was trying to build my creator business, work 2 jobs, and go to university.
My day was pretty damn full.
I was working anything from 10-16 hours a day between all 4.
But I was pretty deep into the early stages of self-improvement.
You know the stages where you consume every self-help book and every self-improvement YouTube video only to never take action?
Yeah, that was me.
Every good self-improvement habit you could think of, in my mind, I was doing them daily.
But in reality, I was only doing them when I found the chance.
In other words, when I wasn’t making excuses and was acting like a professional.
It wasn’t until I dropped out of sport and exercise science and no longer had the stress and time constraints of university that I realised 2 things;
Realisation 1: I wasn’t doing any habit consistently
Other than training, I would do each habit maybe once a week.
I never gave myself the opportunity for consistent practice and therefore I never gave myself the opportunity for compounding or improvement.
Realisation 2: I was trying to do every single habit under the sun
Name a habit - I was trying to do it.
And that’s part of the reason I was so inconsistent
You see when it comes to changing your life, it’s small habits repeated day after day that create massive results.
But this only stays true if you focus on the right habits.
The habits that move the needle and are actually useful.
AND do them daily.
You can’t skip days because you’re feeling tired.
You can’t skip days because you did it yesterday or you can do it tomorrow.
Because once you give yourself permission to skip 1 day, it’s no big deal if you skip another.
You need to be a professional.
You need to hold yourself to a higher standard than anybody else ever would.
It’s the major reason I’ve been able to get up at 5am and walk 10,000 steps every morning for the past 6 weeks.
PS: If you’re following me on Twitter I share a picture pretty much every morning of me out walking (l also post it on my IG story most of the time)
So with that said, over the past 3 years I’ve tested 100s of habits.
Some good, some great, some a waste of time.
But in testing them, I’ve figured out the habits that should be the fundamental foundations of every day of your life, the habits that move the needle.
Here’s what they are;
Habit 1: Walk daily
Humans are designed to walk.
We used to walk all day.
Now we sit all day.
So every day make a promise to yourself to go for a walk.
Now, I’m not saying you need to get up at 5am and hit 10k steps like I do, but do something.
If you don’t walk at all, start with 2000 steps (a ~15 minute walk) and build over time, aiming for at least 5000+ and preferably 10,000+.
Look for opportunities in your day to walk.
Can you walk to the shop instead of driving? Can you walk to the gym? Can you walk to get lunch.
Even short 5-minute walks add up and are better than nothing.
Habit 2: Read daily
In a world full of consumption, instead of frying your dopamine receptors with TikTok, pick up a book and read.
Choose a skill you want to build, buy a book on it, and read it daily.
Or just choose a book you’re interested in and read it daily.
I often hear “Ross, I hate reading. It’s boring”
Here’s the easiest way to make reading a staple habit if you don’t read;
Choose a book that sounds interesting to you
Read it for 10+ minutes before bed
Repeat until you love to read
Move on to non-fiction books that help you improve your life and build skills
Read for 10+ minutes before bed
“Read what you love, until you love to read”
Habit 3: Write daily
The way you view the world will differ from me.
Maybe in a tiny way or maybe drastically.
Our experiences, beliefs, and opinions all bias our perception of the world.
But most people go through life without ever understanding their perceptions or what they truly think of the world and what matters to them.
They end up going through life mindlessly.
Subscribing to ideals that they don’t fully resonate with and career paths they don’t truly love.
But they lack the understanding of themselves and what they want in life necessary to do anything about it.
The fix?
Write daily.
Whether it’s in the form of a journal, content creation, or any other conceivable way.
Start to write daily and expand your understanding of yourself, your experiences, your beliefs, and the world.
Go through life with an understanding of what you want and create meaning in your actions.
Habit 4: Build and focus daily
As humans, we are goal and progress oriented creatures.
We require something to strive for and to see progress in order to feel good and fulfilled.
So set a goal.
It can be anything, but make sure it’s meaningful and related to what interests you.
Work on it daily, removing distractions and focusing intensely on building what you need to build to get there.
Whether this means writing content to grow your creator business, painting to add to your portfolio, sending cold emails to get clients, or recording a video for your videography company.
Whatever it is, spend time building in a focused state every single day.
Habit 5: Sweat daily
Life can be stressful - for some more than others but nonetheless, everyone experiences some form of stress.
Lifting heavy ass weights and breaking a sweat in the gym is one of the best ways to deal with it.
The anxiety melts away.
The endorphins pump through your blood.
You begin to build discipline, a love for delayed gratification and consistency.
All skills you can transfer over to every area of life.
Over time you get stronger and begin to look better.
You increase your self-respect and carry yourself how you should carry yourself.
With your chest out, head up, and shoulders back.
People respect you more.
All because you took the time to break a sweat every single day.
With all 5 of these habits, something is better than nothing.
Have a busy day and life decides to throw haymakers that ruin your schedule?
That’s okay.
Just do 50 push-ups, read 1 page, walk for 5 minutes, build for 15 minutes, and write for 5.
Yes, 50 push-ups is nowhere near as effective as a full push session in the gym
But something is always better than nothing.
When you tell yourself you’re going to do something and you don’t do it, you ruin your self-respect.
Which makes you less likely to do something the next time, creating a never-ending cycle of lower and lower self-respect.
But when you do SOMETHING, no matter how small, you keep that self-respect.
In fact, you build it.
You prove to yourself that no matter what life throws at you, you keep the promises you make to yourself.
You treat yourself like a professional, not an amateur.
And over time, these habits repeated day after day create massive, life-changing results.
And the best thing about these habits?
They're the exact habits you need to succeed with your creator business.
And I’m showing you exactly how to use them to build a powerful personal brand and money-printing creator business in 2-4 hours a day in my live cohort.
You can join the waitlist for priority access and exclusive bonuses by clicking here
When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you
Achieve Self-Mastery, unlock your true potential, and smash every goal you set with MasteryOS
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