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Where will you be in 5 years time?

Jan 23, 2024

When I was 13 I started making Youtube videos.

I would record myself playing Call of Duty, Fifa, and other video games.

Eventually, some of my classmates would find my channel, and so I would delete it.

Just to start another one and for the cycle to repeat for the next 2 years until eventually, I stopped creating.

If you had asked me where I would be in 5 years when I was 13, I would’ve told you I was going to be the biggest gaming YouTuber in the world.

But fast forward 5 years later, to when I was 18, and instead of making videos, I was starting university.

I studied Sport and Exercise Science for ~18 months before realising I hated the path that this degree laid out for me.

And so I dropped out.

I started studying Finance and again, I realised I hated the path that it laid out for me.

But after dropping out of sport, I found myself in a limbo period of about 6 months of nothingness.

Waiting to start my new degree and with time on my hands I stumbled across a corner of Twitter full of creators.

4 years later and well, here I am.

Over half a million followers across platforms, a multi 6 figure business and a life I love.

Am I the biggest gaming YouTuber in the world? Far from it.

But I’m not a million miles away from what I wanted to be when I was 13, am I?

Yet, along the way I strayed from the path that I wanted to be on twice.

In fact, I didn’t just stray from the path I abandoned it.

But I’ve always been aware of where what I’m doing will bring me.

I knew, once I was studying sport, that it wasn’t what I wanted to do.

I knew, once I was studying finance, that it wasn’t what I wanted to do.

And if I don’t like something, I change it.

When I was 13 I had a childlike view of how I wanted to live, what I wanted to do.

Yes, it was innocent.

Yes, it was distorted by the eyes of a child.

But yet, it stayed in the back of my mind and helped me change paths when I needed to change paths.

Simply because, when I was 13, I knew where I wanted to be in 5 years time.

So my question to you is this;

If you keep going down the path you’re on, where will you end up in 5 years?

Are you happy with that place?

If not, do everything you can to change the path you’re on.

Because you have 1 life.

You shouldn’t spend it walking a path you know isn’t right for you.

Take time to figure out what you want.

Take time to understand where you want to go and how you want to live.

And do everything you can to get there, to follow that vision.

If you don’t, you’re doing a disservice not only to you but to those you care about.

If you’re constantly plagued by walking a path you hate, you’ll never be able to give your all to your improvement or to those around you.

You’ll always be living at a fraction of your potential.

Always wondering “what if”, always living with a question unanswered.

And it’s never too late to find out.

It’s never too late to change paths.

Yes, if you’re married with kids and a mortgage, the route you have to take will be slower and more careful than the likes of 19-year-old me dropping out of university.

But let’s say you decide to change careers.

You change careers, you don’t like the new career, the new path, and prefer the old one.

It’s not the end of the world.

You can get a job in the old line of work again.

And in fact, you come back to that original career with more experience, more skills, and most importantly,  a question answered.

It’s never too late.

It’s never the end of the line.

And you only have 1 life - don’t waste it.

So I ask you again, 

If you keep going down the path you’re on, where will you end up in 5 years? Are you happy with that place?

If not, do everything you can to change the path you’re on.

Figure out what you want in life, keep it in the back of your mind, and make a plan.

And then follow it. Go all in.

- Ross

PS: If you’re not sure how to start with changing the path you’re on, the lowest-hanging fruit is to master yourself so that you can then master your life.

I teach you how to achieve Self-Mastery in my program MasteryOS.

You can click here to check it out and join over 400 students.

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